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Do You Refrigerate Baby Formula?



Refrigeration is key to preserving and extending the life of certain foods.  Is that true for baby formula as well?

There are many forms of shelf-stable products that are made from dairy.  You can get milks and puddings off the grocery store shelf and keep them there until you are ready to open the package.  Can you do the same with your baby's organic baby formula?


The Problem with Refrigerating Baby Formula

For some people, there is the thought that you need to refrigerate things for it to last longer.  When your baby is smaller and only eating a few ounces at a time, the package stays open longer.  There are concerns about contamination, so where else would you put your product?  In the refrigerator.

What works for some products does not work for baby formula, organic or conventional.  Baby formula is made so that it can stay open for a few weeks, which is enough time for your baby to finish before you need to be concerned with expired product.  If you put powder baby formula in the refrigerator, it is more likely to clump due to the humid, cold air.  Clumping is bad for your baby because it affects the ratio of formula to water when it comes time to prepare a bottle.  You don't know that you will have too much and give your baby more vitamins and minerals and other ingredients that can hurt their kidneys over time or you don't know if they are getting enough calories and nutrients.

Keep in mind that this only pertains to dry, powdered formula.  You can prepare baby formula ahead of time, THEN store it in an air-tight container for up to 24 hours.  


Are You Concerned About Contaminating Your Baby Formula?

There are a few tips to remember when it comes time to feeding your baby.  Some of these steps you may already do without thinking about it.  Others are good to practice at every feeding time.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water
  • Dry your hands thoroughly
  • Don't put your whole hand in the baby formula container
  • Close it immediately or remove any air from the sachet before closing
  • Store in a dark, dry location to prevent light and humidity exposure


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