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8 Surprising Facts About Your Baby’s Poop

If you thought you were a pro on the subject of your baby’s poop, here are 8 facts about your little one’s bowel movements that may surprise you:

  1. Your baby’s poop is made up of 75% water. Before your child begins eating solid foods, it may not surprise you to know how much water is in stool. However, once you introduce solid foods, it may be a little harder to tell how much water poop contains. Just remember, hard stools are an indication your baby may be dehydrated.

  2. Your baby is not constipated unless her poop is hard. If your baby has three or more hard stools in a row, you’ll want to let her doctor know. Dry, hard bowel movements can be difficult to pass, so watch for signs of discomfort or pain while passing poop.  

  3. Your baby may not poop for several days. It’s perfectly normal for your older baby (3 - 4 month) to not have a bowel movement for several days. if you’re concerned your baby might be constipated, it’s more important to watch for dry poop than to keep track of how frequently she’s having a bowel movement.

  4. Your baby’s gas may smell like yours. If you’ve noticed your little one’s gas smells a lot like your gas or your spouse’s gas, it’s probably because it does. She has your DNA and as a result, produces gas that smells like yours.

  5. You can tolerate the smell of your little one’s poop, but can’t handle the smell of another child’s poop. According to several studies, your nose is programmed to “deal with” the stench of your baby’s poop. However, when it comes to the smell of your best friend’s kid, your nose can’t handle it.

  6. Your baby’s poop “ripens” as it makes it way down the digestive tract. As your baby’s waste makes it way down the digestive tract to be expelled, it’s breaking down like a piece of fruit would when ripening on the vine.

  7. Your baby is more likely to poop after eating a meal. After a meal, her reflexes (which help move waste from her body) kick into gear. In some cases, babies never outgrow this phase of development and even as an adult, will feel the need to release right after a meal.

  8. You may find chunks of food in your baby’s poop. Once your baby is eating solids, it’s likely you’ll occasionally find chunks of partially digested food in her poop. It may be hard to ignore those peas and chunks of yams in her stool, but unless your frequently finding large chunks of food in her diaper, there’s no cause for concern.


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