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Do Baby Formulas Taste Different?

With so many baby formulas on the market, is there a difference in the taste? Can your little one tell a differences?

Baby formulas follow the same guidelines, but they can be very different when it comes to taste. Your little one is not born with refined taste buds; they develop over time just like the rest of their body. It is about four months old that your baby has developed more of a sense of what tastes good and what doesn't. If your baby is not drinking as much formula as they use to, there is a possibility that it is the taste.

What Can Affect the Taste of Baby Formula?

Milk in Baby Formula

The majority of baby formulas on the market are made with cow's milk. The cow's milk may vary if it came from an organic farm, from a cow raised according to standards such as Demeter certification, or how it is manufactured. For example, hydrolyzed protein-based formula is made when the milk protein is broken down into smaller pieces because it is easier for your baby to digest. Many parents have complained about the smell of these formulas as being bitter or sour.

Sweeteners in Baby Formula 

All baby formulas have some kind of sweetener added to it. Some products have corn syrup solids or sucrose. While it sweetens the milk significantly, some parents worry about too much sweeteners used in their baby's food. Hipp formula uses lactose, the same sweetener found in breast milk. Holle uses maltodextrin for its sweetener and thickening agent.


Your baby may already have food preferences from birth or early infancy according to a study about picky eaters. Your pediatrician will help you in case your baby needs a specific type of baby formula, but be sure to read your baby's cues whether or not they are enjoying what they eat. The earlier you start them on a formula, the more accustomed they are to the taste before their taste buds are developed.

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