There are a couple of places around the web where parents are talking about the difference between HiPP formula sold in Germany and HiPP formula sold in the United Kingdom. Here at MyOrganicFormula, we carry both products.
So, what are the differences between HiPP DE (Germany) and HiPP UK (United Kingdom)? The answer is fairly simple. The main HiPP formula made for sales in the UK is the HiPP Combiotic line. This is the formula line that contains prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides. The difference between HiPP Combiotic UK and HiPP Combiotik DE (aside from the way they are spelled) is that the main German Combiotik line contains probiotics. Stage 2 and 3 formulas also contain starch. HiPP UK has no starch and no probiotics.
GOS and Probiotics
The great thing about all of HiPP’s Combiotik/c products are that they are meant to be gentle and nourish your baby’s belly. The special prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides or GOS help to support the gut flora. Some parent reviewers note that when their baby takes one of HiPPs GOS-containing formulas, their bowel movements resemble those of a breast fed baby.
Probiotics are also an important feature in our DE Bio Combiotik formulas. If your baby was born via C-section; has been on antibiotics; was previously in a formula with lots of sugars; or has a sensitive stomach, he may benefit from probiotics. Probiotics are the bacteria that normally live in your gut and keep you healthy. There are many things that can affect the amount of good bacteria that live in your baby’s intestines. If the good bacterial colonies get out of balance, your baby may have an easily upset stomach, gas or constipation. A healthy gut also plays a key roll in a healthy immune system. HiPP Bio Combiotik is a good choice for helping to restore balance.
What Kind of Starch is in the DE Stage 2 and 3 Formulas?
HiPP’s formula labels simply call the ingredient in question “starch.” Generally the starches used in infant formulas are made from corn, rice or potato starch, with corn being the preferred ingredient. In this case, we can guarantee that the starch is organic and non GMO.
Why do Formula Companies Add Starch to Infant Formulas?
As a baby grows, it can be difficult to keep up with the ever increasing demands for calories and substance in the diet. Until a baby reaches a year old, his main source of nutrition is breast milk or formula. Breast milk is 42% carbohydrate, in the form of lactose. HiPP formulas use lactose as well. However, in some of the German formulas for older babies such as Stage 2 and 3, starch is a secondary source of carbohydrates.
Starches help your baby feel more satisfied with his meal, and may help with a particularly hungry baby. They are also sometimes used to add texture and smoothness to formulas, for babies who are a bit pickier.
Is It Safe?
Starches are a safe and easy way to add calories and texture to formulas. A baby’s body does not break down starches as fast as sugars. This makes starches a better choice for adding carbohydrates than things like corn syrup, glucose syrup, table sugar or brown rice syrup. Though still high on the glycemic index, starches are the healthier choice. Younger babies may have trouble digesting some starches, and so, many of the German made formulas don’t contain the ingredient in the Pre and Stage 1 formulas, as is the case with HiPP Bio Combiotik.
Some people feel that babies should only ever have lactose, like that found in breast milk, in their formula. So, they choose to pursue HiPP’s Combiotic from the UK when their babies grow out of stage 1. This choice to stay as close to breast milk as possible is a noble one. If your baby is sensitive to corn ingredients; or you are concerned about starch in any way, choosing HiPP UK products is a good choice.
The HiPP company is dedicated to the health and well-being of all children. They want your baby to be as healthy as possible. The small differences in these two products are based on the needs of two different markets. However, in the end, both organic products are better than many other choices out there, especially conventional baby formula. Rest assured, you can feel safe with HiPP products.
Edited and reposted from July 2016