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How do Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding Vary?

Like many new moms, you may not know whether breastfeeding or formula feeding is the right option for you. Thankfully, you can choose to breastfeed, formula feed or in a growing number of cases, choose to do both. However, it can be hard to know what option is the “right” option. Keep in mind, your situation is unique and despite pressure from well-meaning friends and relatives, will determine what’s best for you and your baby.

So, how do breastfeeding and formula feeding really stack up against each other? Here’s what the team at My Organic Formula believes are the biggest differences between breastfeeding and formula:

Formula gives you more flexibility.

When you give your little one formula, you don’t have to plan shopping trips or appointments around a nursing schedule. If you know you’ll be out and about, you can plan ahead by preparing a bottle in advance or you can take the formula with you to prepare as needed. Formula feeding also makes it much easier for you to go back to work or take a much-needed vacation.

Breastfeeding doesn’t require preparation.

When you breastfeed, your body is hard at work making the perfect food for your baby – no mixing or scooping required. Breastfeeding allows you to feed on demand without fumbling for a bottle or infant formula.

Formula allows others to bond with your little one.

Although breastfeeding can create a strong bond between you and your baby, it doesn’t allow for others involved in his life to interact with him on that level. Formula gives dad, grandma, and others the opportunity to connect with your baby on a special level.

Breast milk is the perfect food.

Breast milk is a “living” food, which adapts hourly to the needs of your baby. Breast milk is filled with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and nutrients that cannot be replicated. Although the formulas found on supermarket shelves have a lot of science behind it, the ingredients used to make most of them are not healthy. Fortunately, the next best thing to breast milk can be found with baby formulas. European formulas are made without the use of added sugars, artificial preservatives, highly processed oils, GMOs, hormones, and antibiotics.

Formula allows you to monitor how much your baby is eating.

When you breastfeed, it can be hard to know how much your little one is eating at each nursing. Most experts agree there’s no reason to worry about the amount of breast milk your baby is getting at each feeding if baby is gaining weight and happy. However, if your baby has a health condition or is not gaining weight like he should, the ability to monitor how much your baby is eating is literally lifesaving.


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