Both Holle and Lebenswert formulas are made of the highest quality ingredients, and both are made by the Holle company, one of Europe’s oldest and most trusted infant formula brands. Holle has been making organic infant formulas for more than 80 years and was founded on anthroposophical dietary principles, which is a philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner more than a century ago.
Understanding Biodynamic Farming
What exactly does it mean to follow anthroposophical principles? Simply put, it means the ingredients used to make all of Holle formulas are sourced from farms following biodynamic farming practices. Biodynamic farming is a type of organic farming and has been practiced on every continent for almost a century. Biodynamic farmers view the soil, plants, and livestock as one, and prohibit the use of antibiotics, pesticides, or any unnatural form of farming.
Demeter Certification versus Bioland Association Certification
Both Holle and Lebenswert are made with biodynamic ingredients, but it is the type of biodynamic ingredients that sets these two formulas apart. Holle uses Demeter certified biodynamic ingredients. Demeter is the largest organization for certifying biodynamic farms and products. The Demeter organization was formed shortly after biodynamic farming began to ensure these products were held to high manufacturing standards.
All of Holle’s Lebenswert formulas are certified by The Bioland Association, which is Germany’s leading certification organization for biodynamic farms. The Bioland Association’s certification standards are higher than even those set by the European Union (E.U.) and are followed by more than 6,800 farmers and gardeners.
Use of Maltodextrin
All of Holle’s formulas Stages 1 through 4 use maltodextrin, a polysaccharide derived from starch. Although there has been some controversy surrounding the use of maltodextrin in organic baby formula, studies have shown small quantities of maltodextrin pose no known health risks and actually balance the sweetness of the milk. Holle Stage PRE specifically for newborns does lactose and not maltodextrin.
Lebenswert stage 1 formula does not contain maltodextrin, however, Lebenswert stage 2 and 3 do contain maltodextrin.
Use of Starch
From birth to about 6 months of age, the digestive system is still developing and oftentimes, is sensitive to certain ingredients like starch. Babies who are experiencing stomach issues may benefit from a starch free infant formula. Both Holle and Lebenswert’s stage 1 organic formulas as well as Holle Stage PRE do not contain starch.
Fat Content
Holle baby formulas contain a slightly higher percentage of fat – approximately .5 grams – than Lebenswert formulas. Please keep in mind: both brands must be made according to high E.U. standards and must meet specific nutrition requirements. One brand is not better than the other. It’s simply a matter of what formulation is best for your baby and what formula your baby prefers.
European Made Formula is Best
No matter what formula you choose, Holle or Lebenswert, you are choosing an excellent option for your baby. Both European brands of formula do not contain many of the “questionable” ingredients found in conventional brands of formula. Both Holle and Lebenswert do not contain artificial preservatives, antibiotics, GMOs, pesticides, added sugars, gluten, or synthetic flavors.
Find all of our Holle formulas in our store here.
Find all of the Lebenswert formulas in our store here.
Edited and reposted from December 2017